Installation at HandsOn Museum

The sensoryPLAYSCAPE prototype was installed as a part of a special event at the HandsOn Museum in Ann Arbor called MyTurn: A Sensory Friendly Sunday. The two-hour event was designed for children with autism where the number of participants was limited and the environment was tuned to control noise and visual stimulation.

As a part of the collaboration with Prof. Costanza Colombi from the Dept. of Psychiatry and Leah Ketcheson from the School of Kinesiology at the University of Michigan, the installation of the sensoryPLAYSCAPE prototype was a chance to pilot the structure and interactivity with the target audience - children with autism. Along with the playscape structure, we deployed the stretchSWARM software, where interactivity with the textile manipulated a dynamic swarm of fish, also triggering a soundscape of wind chimes.